Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

If a Tree Falls in the Forest......

This is too wierd. I posted this "GIF" on my page....the turd that is standing on the side of the road, and the cars just keep passing him by. When I go to another page and come back, the cars are still passing. So I shut my computer down and started it up and there they were. Endless cars passing this poor turd. So I decide to trick it and I drive 1 hour to work, start up my machine, dial in my URL and there they are....endless cars passing this poor turd. So I shut down, come home and there they are again. I am willing to bet, that if I go to sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow, the cars will still be passing that poor turd. ...This is too wierd. Its making me tired just thinking about it. I feel like removing the post just to give them all a rest. I'm wondering if I can get someone to write a new one, where a car actually pulls over and picks up that poor turd.....Maybe I have too much time on my hands...I'm going to bed and dream about sheep jumping fences, or hmmmmm I wonder...If a tree falls in the forest and there is nobody there to hear it...does it still make a sound......If a man talks and his wife is not there to hear him...is he still wrong....so many questions

1 comment:

  1. don't worry guy, is the same car and it will run out of petrol soon, so the brown guy will be helped...phew!


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