Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Bike Rides and Camp Fires

My Buddy Barry asked me to come over for a visit at his camp trailer. They elected

to park the trailer at Guelph Lake Park rather than my place this season. Barry's wife Patti is off to Hawaii for a couple of weeks so Barry is a bachelor. I hopped in my car and went to the Lake. I got to his trailer and it was open but Barry was no where to be found. His truck was there but his scooter was gone....so I hopped on Pattis bike and went for a bike ride to find him. I found myself at the coolest spot. I used my cell phone to take this picture. I sat and enjoyed the spot and then rode back to the camp....still no Barry. I decided that I had come this far with intent to stay so that is what I did. I made myself a little campfire and sat and ate Barrys trail mix and drank the rest of his bottled water...and still no Barry. It felt kinda wierd but what the heck....I had come with a mission. Finally at about 11pm Barry showed up. He had gone to a neighbours and time passed. He was embarrased, but what the heck. I enjoyed the peace and tranquility. Barry likes it so much that he has decided to give up his apartment and live in his trailer. .....haha wait until Patti finds out!

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