Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Friday, October 16, 2009

Bible Study

I have been doing my Bible Study a little differant lately. I use "esword" electronic Bible Program or biblegateway.com. I then do a key word search and read all the scripture references from the search. Often these are little snippits of larger passages. I look through them all and then "classify" them in my mind "topically" or by relevence to each other. I then delve into the broader scripture based on the specific "sub" topic.

For example, I have been facinated by fruits of the spirit and the concept of spiritual fruit. So, I do a search based on "fruit" I read all the passages and find there are differant nuance or "message". I then target the passages that seem to speak to my inquiry the most and read the broader scripture. Its fun and interesting.

I have been enjoying reading my bible "topically". Try it. Type in for example LOVE. That would be a big one. Try TRUTH. Or try JUSTICE or any other word. I have been finding this a great way to study my bible.

peace and blessings to you all

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of bible studies... Did you read the expert report on morrisseaubuyersbeware.com? Wow.


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