Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Putting Away the Paint Brush...For Now

Thank You Anonymous for the very kind comments on my paintings. I really appreciate hearing that and it makes me want to paint even more...BUT!

I have had a dream to move up to North Bay area. I have been toying with it now for years. I know the time is now. All the indicators are there. Just to help me stay motivated, a friend of mine leaves me voice messages and email messages and text messages and real life verbal messages that go exactly like this. "Don, put down your paintbrush and get to work on your house!" He is right, so I have put down my paintbrush and I'm working on my house and affairs. We hope to have it ready for listing in a few weeks. I have a list and I'm rapidly acheiving.

I've almost got all my certifications complete. I have a few unfinished projects that I must finish and I have to paint. Macro paint...not fine art paint. Paint on the ceilings and paint on the walls. I am allowed no artistic measure. The colours have been chosen by our agent. I took a week off work and I'm going gangbusters decluttering and cleaning. I have taken many trips to the dump and have already taken a load up North. I have a storage spot that overlooks Lake Nippissing. Its breath taking. I know its only a storage spot, but it means a lot to me knowing the view from my lockup. I have a ton of space too. I'm going to take another trip up in a couple of weeks with more stuff.

I am very excited about the move and there is much we dont know yet. Sue and I have looked at a number of housing possibilities ranging from down town NorthBay to Suburban Sturgeon Falls , to native reserve land at Jocko Point, to a farm in Verner to a Garden Center on the TransCanada or even to camp for a while in Temegami like I have been dreaming.

So many possibilities inticately woven by things yet out of our control or knowledge at this time. We have chosen to simply have faith that all the pieces will fall where they should.

.........and then I can pick up my paintbrush and play in my new sandbox.

peace be the journey

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see where your next move takes you!


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