Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Thursday, April 08, 2010

You Are a Rainbow

You are a rainbow.

You bring light,
love, hope and creativity
to an otherwise dull and dark world.
Society needs rainbows to remind them
and to help guide them to this peace.
Darkness hates the light and darkness
surely will never understand the rainbow
….until they become one.

How does one become a rainbow?????

 are all colours of the rainbow.
Though some people have artistic talent,
they chose to use their talent
like a mathematician or chartered accountant.
They get caught in things of this world,
in day to day drudgery
and in constant envy,
and comparison
to others.

But You are a rainbow
and your light shines
and generates a different frequency.

It is the frequency of love

Many people just don’t recognize or understand,
or their psyche doesn’t allow them to see.
It’s a shame really.

This is why rainbows need to just keep shining.
They are a path.
They are an example.
Rainbows are a promise.
Rainbows are cooperative
and the cooperative human spirit
Can be found in the rainbow people.

You are rainbow,
so keep shining
because those in the dark
need your light.
This is wisdom I learned from my rainbow friends.

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