Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Joy of Congregation - Part Three

Wow...busy day on the blog today! My mind has been racing and I have been doing a lot of meditating and mind game playing. Finally, now, at 11:19, I feel a sense of calm and peacefulness. Aside from feeling the need to express why, or how, my Chrsitian thought has changed, I have had to come to grips with my plans for ministry. I hate using that term..its such a christian term. The cold hard fact is I need to serve my fellow man and I need to find a place of congregation. I have come to realize that there is no church in town that I find appealling. So now what? Here is the peace I have experienced this evening......

Last week I went to an Anglican Church. Though I did not like the service, I love God and the people were friendly and I was made welcome. They offerred me communion, which is something I have missed. I also met a man around my age who was also a musician, so I invited him over. We sang praise music together this evening and we had an opportunity to talk.

My friend began attending the Anglican Church in town because he felt called. His wife and kids go to a differant church, which became too comfortable for him. He had the feeling he would be needed at this church and so that is where he was going. This church is in the process of trying to find a new minister. They have been doing some soul searching and they have some visions of community servanthood. This fellow has the same visions of ministry as I do. We both appear to beleive in the same grass roots, community based love. We both have somewhat of a disdain for what the church has become. Neither of us feels at home at church and we are both in a way...happy about that.

Looks good on me. Next sunday I will be back to that Anglican Church. I cant stand the order of service...haha looks good on me...I cant stand the music...haha looks good on me...I cant stand the rituals...haha..looks good on me...I cant stand the tradition that this represents.....haha looks good on me....
LOOKS GOOD ON ME!!!!!!!! and now that I have verballized my complete displeasure with where I am about to call my home church...I will shut up...and enjoy the peace I now feel.

I am not there to change the order of service..I am not there to change the music...I am not there to abolish the tradtions. I would do well to simply shut up and do as I beleive Spirit is leading. I too feel called to this place. There is a great commission and Jesus guaranteed me the ride would not be all that attractive....and such is the mission field.

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