Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It Made Me Cry

I saw a piece of art the other day and it made me cry.
I have been analyzing my feelings to understand why.
Was it the beauty of the art?
or what it represents.

I was instantly connected
I could feel the Spirit beckoning me.
What I felt was something bigger,
 more powerful
 than the painting itself.

It wasnt a complex image..
just a simple image.
It's subject matter was not something that should stir such reaction.
I just cried and it felt good.

I cried because it was the real deal.
I could feel the awesome power of the creator
...the source.

Perhaps I cried because it was affirmation.
Perhaps I cried for joy.
Perhaps I cried because I understood.
tears of joy..
tears of happiness...
tears of contentment.

Why tears? 
Why would joy bring tears?
why such emotion?
Why tears of gratitude.
Why tears at all?

Is it passion?
yes perhaps it was love.

...it made me cry
and I embrace the tears
and dont know why.


  1. Nice post. Absolving me of any embarrassment for crying yesterday over a painting created by a grade 6 class! The pure vibration of Spirit is a deep well, apparently filled with tears that have something to do with higher emotions. Tears may be the only way one knows how to translate this feeling of being moved to dizzying heights by waves of souls and angels moving together as one. Perhaps we will inspire one another until heaven on Earth is our way of life. In any case, good tears are a great way to spend an afternoon eh?

  2. cry baby

    Brenda x

  3. hahaha...these same tears have cried for you and I dont regret a single one!


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