Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Tickety Boo

Bad then Good
Two weeks ago when I returned from Mississauga, My back went into spasm. I did what I usually do. I wait it out and sleep a bit more. Well last night was brutal and I was going crazy with the pain. I decided to go to emerg first thing. Pete dropped me off at 8am and by 9am I was out with a prescription for Tylenol 3. I took a few and wow..they work. I feel so great! Not because I'm buzzed, but because I feel like a veil of gloom has been lifted. Pain can make you slave.

Bad then Good
Sue was told the sad news last week that her work term was not 6 weeks as hoped, but cut short to 2 weeks. That was bad. This week, they asked if she would like to work full time. This is Good! Sue wanted to be part of a team and she found a great place to work and love children. This is Sues calling. This is good.

Just as the sun sets and darkness arrives,
so does the sun rise and darkness set.
a sleepless night......a blessed day
and another example of a magnificent way
to feel renewal, to feel the sun on ones face,
to look to the sky, with redeeming grace
and look within, to this sacred place.
the place where gratefulness and blessings meet


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