Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Monday, October 24, 2005

Life is NOT a bowl of cherries!

We learned in class that the book od Psalms was the praise and worship book for the early church. When we look at the Psalms, we find that the majority of Psalms are "dark" for the lack of a better word. That is they are cries from Gods people. Cries like "why Lord do the wicked prosper" or "why Lord do you hide your face from me" It seems that in corporate worship, people were not afraid to express their sorrows and frustrations.

Now we fast forward to today. We meet on Sunday and we all wear our rose colour glasses. We paint on our brave smiles and we head to worship. We do not express our sorrow, frustration and tears. In our worship, we focus our worship time singing positive songs, extolling Gods goodness.
That is great as God deserves our Praise. But in a sense, I beleive He desires us and relationship with us.....all of us....not just part of us.

Where are the tears? Where are the questions and cries? Where do we admit our confussion or problems! I know that that is what house church is for. I know that that is what mentors and brothers and sisters in Christ are for.

It just that I worry about the fact that our corporate worship may be insincere if we are not offering the "full meal deal" to God and to ourselves and to others.

Are christians thought to be 2 faced, fake, false, in sincere? When we only tell half the story about how we feel, are we doing any good? Is there a place in worship where we can pour it out?

In the Pentacostal church its called the alter. One can bring the "dark" side of their faith and dump it at the feet of Jesus. There is something special about getting down on ones knees at the alter and letting it all out. If you have never tried it I suggest you do so. The act of pouring out ones fears and troubles truthfully, at the cross, while brothers and sisters gather to pray and encourage you, is a very cleansing experience.

As we strive to be "real" in our relationship with God, we must admit to ourselves and cry out to God. Life is NOT a bowl of cherries! I am certain if you cry out to Him, He will be there. He understands and He cares.

Just something to think about.

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