Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Sunday, June 11, 2006

I Love My Church...Part 49

How do I love thee, let me count the ways. I love thee for it is the place I gather with my friends to worship the living God. I love thee for thy faithfulness to the word. I love thee for the inspiring hope and confidence. I love the people. I love the Pastor. I love the leadership. I love the joy and the smiles. I love the encouragement and the teaching. I love this church because it is outward, not inward. It is real, not fake. It speaks the truth of the gospel, not the lies of this world. It is not afraid to be counter cultural. It speaks my language. It has vision and it has hope. It is purposeful in motion. It listens carefully. It acts carefully yet it is not afraid to step out. It is vibrant and wholesome. It is passionate. I love the worship music and style. I love the creativity. I love the dedication. I love this church! This church is my home. After years in the church wilderness I finally found a place that I consider the promised land. This church is everything I ever dreamed a church could be. It is Inspired, motivated and captivating. This church is the bride of Christ with splendour and beauty. I lift my hands to God in great thanksgiving for the joy He has brought me and my family. I lift my hands in prayer, that God would continue to bless this fellowship, and that this fellowship would continue to be faithful with the gifts that God has given. I Love my Church. ThankYou God for this. You are mighty in power and Your faithfulness is astounding. Oh that a sinner such as I, could be held in the palm of Your mighty hand, and be shown Your tender love through Your death on a cross. ThankYou Lord. ThankYou.


  1. Amen!!
    Brother Don, you've expressed exactly how I feel, too. I've told God if I thanked him not only daily but every moment for him it would not be enuf!
    EVAC is a huge part of that because it lead me to Christ. Remember this Sat. during prayer it's true what they say about being worth the drive to Acton, because for us Guelphites it's worth the drive to Erin!

  2. Amen! Don...this post made me realize how lucky I am to worhip God in a country that doesn't condemn my faith to Jesus.


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