Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Back so Soon?

Nothing like a 10 hour drive alone in Northern Ontario to help bring back perspective in life. 10 hours to think, 10 hours to pray. 10 hours with no one but me and my imagination.

My bitterness left me on this stretch of highway. I was complaining and petitioning to God with respect to an ugly situation when I felt some peace. In the midst of the rain I looked up and saw a most beautiful rainbow. A rainbow reminds us of Gods love for us, and beleive it or not, a rainbow can help bring back perspective in life.

I drove like mad to try to get to the Gold at the base of the rainbow. ...but no luck. I guess luck is for the Irish.

Hey that reminds me of a joke. Guy says "hey God, whats eternity like". God says "to me eternity is like a single minute" Guy says "OK God, whats a million dollars like?" God says " a million dollars is like a single penny" Guy says "hhhhmmmm...God can I have a penny?" God says "sure...in a minute"


  1. Hey is that a double rainbow in the bottom pic? It's faint, but I think you can just about see a second one there :)

    Cool :)

    Was that ten hours round trip or ten hours one way? I think if I drove for ten hours here I'd probably end up swimming ;) Well, that or asleep ;)

    But Don... You did find the pot of gold. You needed to find something, and you found exactly what you needed. And finding that is more valuable than a pot of gold. Or a million dollars.

    Hold on to your pot of gold... For just one more minute ;)

  2. hahaha hanging on for dear life for all eternity...and yes that is a double rainbow!
    5.5 hours each way.
    There was 6 inches of snow on the ground up there.

  3. I just read a snippet of advice (someswhere??) that I found interesting.
    "If you really want to know how rich you are - count the things in your life that do not cost money."
    Glad you decided to return Don, I would miss your blog.
    Hope to see you and your bride on Sunday!

  4. Wow 6 inches! Seems strange you could start with nothing, drive for a few hours and then be somewhere so different :)
    One of my bosses is actually driving around Canada and America at the moment I think. I guess he'll have some stories to tell :) (Other than complaining about TomTom GPS sending him down some little roads which he told us about on Messenger - I think we did well to find the North America maps that quickly in the first place! :)

    I think the other thing about those pics is something that always really strikes me about that sort of weather...
    It looks so grey and miserable, and yet you can see things illuminated by sunshine. Always makes me sop and think, that does :)

  5. Er, I meant "stop and think" :) Realised juuust AFTER I hit Publish :)

  6. lol ~ Inspector Monkfish, i have visions of you 'sopping' and thinking.

    Ddin't realise you were the soppy kind ;~)

    10 hours! I can't even begin to imagine what i would do with 10 hours of thinking and no respite ~ lol


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