Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Friday, December 08, 2006

Trying to Keep Perspective

Where do I begin.......
Well I've been feeling sorry for myself a bit lately. Stresses of work coupled with some interpersonal issues have left me rather disallusioned. I took an emergency day off a couple of weeks ago to try to sort out some issues......and I fell of a ladder. I hurt myself pretty bad. I could not breath for quite a while. I injured my back pretty bad and I am sure I broke a bone in my hand. I had a bruise and a welt the size of a grapefruit. I lay on the floor in a crumpled heap trying to assure my wife that everything was OK, while in the meantime I was scared that I'd have to be taken to emergency. I feel much better now. The bruise is gone but my back and hand are still quite sore. As I lay on the floor I couldnt help but feel that I would have been better off at work. You see as of the AM, I had quit my job. After the fall and a good conversation with my boss, We both apologized and I returned the following day. Suddenly, all the mental anguish I've been experiencing became overshadowed by the physical pain of the accident. Perspective.

Well last night my buddy Ron and I drove to Wanker Deluxe band practice. The weather was nasty with snow blizzards and whiteouts. As we went down the huge hill by my buddys house, Ron says "hey, we have no brakes" I said, "oh your probably just sliding" He says "no really Don, look my foot is to the matt and the brake light is on....WE HAVE NO BRAKES!" So we barralled down this big hill in the storm and Rons job was to keep the vehicle in control. So Ron says "Is there a hill ahead that can slow us down". I said, "uh Ron yes there is a hill but it goes down and its twice the size of the last hill. Plus it is hairpin and tywisted AND there is escarpment cliff on either side". I said "Ron, if we hit that hill we are in very serious trouble". I told him to ditch us. There were trees on either side of the road. This meant slamming his car into a tree in order to stop us from going over the embankement. So Ron says Hang on and puts us right into the trees on the passenger side. We were mowing down sapplings and the branches were whistling by. The big stump trees were 6 inches from my door and I was braced for impact. While mowing over all these sapplings, the car lost is momentum. Just before we came to a stop, Ron pulled on the staering wheel and bounced us back onto the road. Miraculously we came to a halt. I got out of the vehicle for inspection and there wasnt even a dent! We were scarred shitless! We managed to get the car to my friends house....its still there now. We had to abandon it.

So here is some more perspective. I come through the door of his house huffing and puffing about our "near death" experience. My buddy didnt look very impressed or engaged. I said whats wrong? He says, "I just got a call this morning. My daughter just committed suicide". Suddenly I had perspective again. Oh My Gosh. We all gathered around him. He was brave and and matter of fact at first, but after a few songs, he said "i'm sorry, I have to go to bed" He crashed as we hung out. A few of his friends heard the news and came over. I am going to see him tonight after work. I cant imagine the pain he is in. Perspective.

Buddy Ron and I bummed a ride from Oliver, our mandolin player. He drove us to Hillsburg where Sue picked us up. The tow truck refused to come and get us because of the storm. I guess we will have to deal with that today as well. So Oliver leans over to us while he is driving and says " With all the excitement of the evening, I forget to mention....... I lost my job today" Perspective. Suddenly Ron and I both fealt like our ordeal was mundane an unimportant.

I got to sleep this morning at about 3am. I feel blessed.

Please pray for my buddy Don as he comes to grips with his daughters death. PLease pray for Oliver that he will find a job soon. Please pray for Ron, that his car will be OK. Please pray for me that I may be like Christ to my friends in their time of need.


  1. I've got this cool dragon made of paper. It looks like it follows you as you walk around the room, but it doesn't move.

    Perspective. ;)

    (I might say something more intelligent, but I'm frozen right now, and want to be off home :)

  2. Whith a house at is in worse shape than our old chicken coop, and no heat or hydro, no water and no toilet, I ask a forteen year old girl who looks after her great grandmother recovering from a stroke, what she most like to see done in her house..... " Please put a gate that locks so the drunks will not come in at night and have there way with me."....Perspective...

  3. Spending the night in an old alkida base in Aphganastan, my pastor wakes up grumbling that he has no matress, only four thin blankets folded up on top of each other. he gets up and goes to the washroom. Returning he makes a wrong turn and finds four local pastos sleping on te ground with NO blankets........Perspective

  4. A few months ago, I was thinking about this sort of thing.

    How you can always find someone and go "Wow! I'm glad I'm not him!"

    And then I thought, "Hang on! Does that mean there's some poor bloke at the bottom of the pile that everyone looks at and goes, 'I'm glad I'm not him!'"

    As I thought some more, I came to exactly the same conclusion.


    There is always someone worse off than us. Always.

    Because everyone has a different perspective, and nobody has the same problems. It's not possible for one person to have ALL the problems, therefore someone else will always have different problems, and they will always seem worse off than us.

    So, no matter how bad it gets... It could be worse ;)

  5. I think you ar right Inspector Monkfish, The amazing thing is when Gods grace comes into play. I think of some of the worst cases that I have witnessed , Children with no families, no food, hardly any cloths, beaten and abused, yet if you give them a box of crayons they will draw you a beautiful picture of trees and flowers and all the wonderfull things in life. Yet if channel 12 is not comeing in clearly today, My kids might end up in a snit.

  6. hahahah I have had no TV in my house for over a month now. My kids and my wife are going crazy!!! and I'm enjoying it. This will continue to be fun and games until my wife cuts me off. Then I will have a whole new perspective...sorry to make light of your comments.

  7. I really like the turn of events that changed your perspective, Don! True, we are all so wrapped up in our own little worlds, nurisng every petty bruises--unknowingly dismmissing the bigger suffering around us.

    Count on me on the praying part. God bless :)

  8. It's always a unique experience when it's our own. I believe we're all guilty of that - perspective.
    But it's not always about bad stuff either.
    Sorry about your friend Don and his loss. That's one parent club I pray to God I don't become a member.
    Hope to see you Sunday Don, we do miss you plus you must come this week if only to see the play.
    Hint: some one you know is in it! LOL!!!

  9. Jeepers..that'l be one busy day. We have an Acton service in the PM and I am leading Christmas Carols at Jakes in the evening....I'll try. I miss you all as well.


Go ahead....Make my day!