Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

One Broken Water Main and One Destroyed House

This is an exerpt from my brothers blogspot http://actofkindness.blogspot.com/ article January 17 “…a little distracted”. Its about my moms house and a little ordeal that my family is dealing with in Norwood. John tells the story better……..

Two days ago, on a freezing cold night, a 10 inch high-pressure water main broke, and rather then the water surfacing , it blew through the basement wall... with in about 4 minutes the basement was full to the top.... oil tank, hot water tank ... everything was riped from their moorings, that along with a couple paint cans and paint thinner has created a toxic soup that was forced through every crack and whole it could find..... even the electrical panel was completely submerged.... then as it was all pumped down every thing froze and caused more cracks and damage.

The hazard waste pumper trucks have just left, the power has been restored, and there are a team of inspectors and environmentalists there trying to decide the fate of the house... the foundation is compromised, the ground floors need to be hauled up and replaced, and the structural engineers are trying to determine whether the house can stand the necessary work.... The basement had a dirt floor, and now has at least a foot of contaminated soil in it. The inspectors asked where did they pump the first 4 feet of water... they then looked out into the yard that had been submerged.... Out came the camera's for more photos....
I missed the first part of the excitement as I was at the PI office at the time. My sister helped Mom pack her cat , parrot and bearded Dragon , along with her her Bible and work books that she uses to teach anger management.

Life can throw some strange curve balls at you.....I guess we just need to trust that God will remain true to his word when he says he will take every evil thing that has been sent to harm us and turn it around for his glory.... God this would be a good time to let your glory shine....


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