Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Reflection on Hatred

The least will be most…the most will be least.

When I was young, I played cowboys and Indians. I always wanted to be a cowboy. They were such hero’s but my conscience started to bother me about it all. The Indians were so wise to me and actually seemed peaceful. I began to feel like the cowboy was the bully. So I turned to hating the Germans. They were an easier target. It was much easier to hate the Germans, especially with WW2 still in everyones memory. Well once again, I was wrong!

I married a German girl and I fell in love, not only with her, but her family, her culture, her people as it were. Since embracing my wifes Germanic heritage, my life has been richly blessed. When I was conversing with a cousin from Germany I learned that when they played cowboys and Indians, the Indian was the good guy and the Cowboy was the bad guy! Could it be that my “old enemy” was wiser than I?

Now, here I am reflecting on our first nation people. After a life time of worldly pursuit,
I once again stand at a crossroad. I cant help but feel that I belong on the little road that is less travelled. Though the road is tough and hard, it is full of love. Though I am weak, the journey gives me strength. At the end of this road, there is peace and grace. The Lord will be standing there to greet me and I will smile when I see my native brothers and sisters there…beating the drum.

Lord God, please fill me with your wisdom and continue to walk with me I pray. You are greater than google earth and greater than a GPS. You are faster than the highest speed internet , You are stronger than crazy glue and Your warranty never runs out. You are wiser than Phil and more beautiful than Opra. You are bigger than I ever imagined and every time I try to define a box to keep You in….You burst out. Lord God You are far greater than I can even imagine and in this sense Lord, You are a great mystery to me. I guess that is why they call You Gitchi Manito. All praise, honour and glory to You. Lord God I pray for my new friend and mentor Apey-Benasi. Would You continue to bless him Lord and give him the gift of Anishnaabe tongue.

1 comment:

  1. Here is a correspondance from cousin in Germany clarifying my comment about "Cowboys and Indians" in Germany. Thanks for the clarrification.......

    Very interesting what you write about your researches and thoughts.
    By the way, for the "West-Germans" the cowboy also was "good",
    like you thought when you were a child. We were "Ost-Germans".
    To us the Indian was (and is) the good.
    To explain that takes a bit more time. Maybe you already know that.
    It made me smile when I read about the german cousin on your blog
    who played Indian and Cowboy... :)

    on behalf of cuz


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