Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

If it smells like turd, looks like turd and tastes like turd....

I have had this rant sent to me by a number of people now. It has the appearance of being wise, yet it is disguised bigotry and truly an example of how sheltered and uninformed people are. I have decided that from now on, when people send me this tripe, I will respond by sending them the Anishinaabe Code of Conduct. I will post that next.

I am beginning to think that Mr "I am Canadian", isnt actually Canadian. In fact, I'd be willing to bet his grandparents are from Europe, or perhaps Mr "I am Canadian" is actually American!.... But there I go.....now I'm just as bad!

I AM CANADIAN- author unknown

I am in the minority in Calgary, Vancouver, Toronto and every casino in this country.

I was born in the forties, fifties or sixties, yet I am somehow responsible for some First Nations people being screwed out of their land in the 1700's!

I pay import tax on cars made in Ontario.

I am allowed to sky dive and smoke, but not allowed to drive without a seat belt.

All the money I make until mid July must go to paying taxes.

I live and work among people who believe Americans are ignorant ... yet these same people cannot name this country's new territory.

On April 1st, 1999, the map of Canada changed for the first time in 50 years with the creation of Nunavut Territory. The Northwest Territories was split and approximately 2 million square kilometres of the central and eastern arctic became 'Nunavut'.

Although I am sometimes forced to live on hamburgers and don't have a pot to pee in, I sleep well knowing that my taxes helped purchase a nice six figure home in Vancouver for some unskilled refugee.

Although they are unpatriotic and constantly try to separate, Quebec still provides most of my nation's Prime Ministers.

95% of my nation's international conflicts are over fish.

I'm supposed to call black people African Canadians, although I'm sure none of them have ever been to Africa for that matter.

I am being told that paying a 200% tax on alcohol is fair.

I am also being told that the same tax on gasoline is also fair.

Even if I have no idea what happened to that old rifle my Grandfather gave me when I was 14, I will be considered a criminal if I don't register it.

I am being told that spending $15 billion to promote the French language in the rest of Canada is fair when the province of Quebec doesn't support or recognize the English language.

I am being told that paying $1million for 3 Stripes ('The Voice of Fire painting in Ottawa) by the National Art Gallery was a good purchase, even though 99% of this country didn't want it or will ever see it.

When I look at my pension and realize that I take home a third of what I actually make, I say 'Oh well, at least we have better health care than the Americans..'

I must bail out farmers when their crops are too wet or too dry because I control the rain.
I must bail out big corporations who drive their business into the ground and say yeah that's OK when they move all their manufacturing plants and jobs to a third world country and say no problem..

My National Anthem has versions in both official languages.

Canada is the highest taxed nation in North America, the biggest military buffer for the United States, and the number one destination for fleeing terrorists.

I am not an angry white male. I am an angry taxpayer who is broke. I am Canadian!!!

- author unknown


  1. becareful...don't fall into that trap...you are better than that..remember we are all one,,lets connect with love and peace in our hearts

  2. I truly respect this path you’re on, I really do. I believe that expanding our understanding beyond what we’ve always come to believe is extremely important to give our complacency in what we believe a kick in the ass. Too often we accept our own knowledge as fact and because of it our hearts grow dull, our ears hard of hearing and our eyes are closed and we do not understand. And whether the conclusions you come to in this quest are right or wrong, that’s not the issue, I believe it’s the ability to draw your own conclusions and make up your own mind that’s important here.

    When I read your statements on Christianity that you locked in as your core understanding before stepping out in this new direction, I noticed that what you were quoting was the Nicene Creed of 325 A.D. It is a statement of beliefs that comes from the churches of that time after much heated and confrontational debate. A statement of belief that was put on paper by the leading men of faith of that time. But leaders of faith through history have not always been God-led and so I question the statements of that creed against my own. But that’s my path. Will yours also cause you to re-evaluate some aspects of your Christian teaching for the better?

    But this is dangerous territory, if my understanding is my measure of what is true, and you yours, and the church of 325 A.D. theirs, and the Muslim’s theirs, the Buddhist’s theirs, what is truth? (Don’t answer this, the question is meant to be contemplative) And then does truth really matter? My personal thought is, no it really does not and truth is not meant for this time, but that’s a whole other discussion. Where we get messed up is in the applying of our yardstick on others and willingness of others to accept what’s handed to them for convenience sake us rather than search out their own understanding.

    Long preamble…sorry.

    This is what I wonder here and this is where I get squishy. And by squishy, I mean where my ability to write is wholly inadequate to where what I say may be construed as hurtful, narrow-minded, ignorant and especially as you so perfectly put it…shit. And so I apologize profusely and whole heartedly if it comes across as such.

    What new thing will you learn about God and Jesus while on this path? How will this grow your understanding (I believe it absolutely will)? I just want to know if you have an idea of how yet?

    The thought train that runs through my brain as I consider what you write is this. Where was God when this happened? How could he let a race of people who were so noble of spirit, pure of heart and so oblivious to the rest of the world as we were to them be so utterly decimated? How could God allow them to lose their land and all that they came to know? And then working back from this, what of the Incas or Mayans and all that they built and learned of science, astronomy, mathematics, knowledge that has been so completely lost that we don’t even know what they knew? And back yet again to God allowing the people of Africa to be taken from their homeland as slaves? Why does God allow this to happen?

    The standard answer to this question, and it’s a question that gets asked a lot, is God has a plan. Who are we to question God? He is a loving God, there is a purpose even if we don’t understand it…blah, blah, blah. That answer is so inadequate and useless. Mankind does question, is supposed to question, because questioning is God created and what separates us from the animals. It’s what sometimes leads us to understanding. Judging is a different matter. Judging I’ll leave to God but I will question.

    My own thought would be to look for clues in the bible of where God has intervened in the normal course of a nations existence and livelihood, i.e. God driving out the peaceful Philistines, Assyria hauling off Israel, Babylon hauling off Judah. The bible has many instances where one nation has been thrown down by another. And those examples haven’t necessarily been because the victorious nation was more noble or upright but because the defeated nation was the sole object of his attention. Could this apply here? Or is it purely a random instance of one man destroying another without God’s intervening to uphold what we think is right? Tough question. I don’t know the answer to that and to even consider this my contribution to the shit pile I apologized for earlier. But lessons are sometimes learned this way.

    What I do know is this. Human kind and nations will transgress God. God does correct human kind and nations. But in the course of correction, at the individual level, in the lowest depths of despair does all our pride, evil and self-righteousness disappear and sometimes our true Godly potential will shine through, sometimes in the wonderful art you’ve collected but hopefully sometimes in how we deal with each other and the planet we call home. It makes me wonder sometimes what’s in store for our nation(s) as the stories of greed, and pure evil are brought to light by our current economic state. Is there a hand of correction being raised with our name in it?


  3. Hi RR,
    I am agree with many of your thoughts. In my opinion right from the beginning of a discussion about this subject it is necessary to know there is an essential difference between belief on the one side and reality,sientific knowledge on the other side.
    "Glaube" and "Wirklichkeit" are two important things, they are as old as mankind...
    Sorry,I am not a Canadian, I am a German...hope it doesn't matter.

  4. Hey B.T.

    Glaube: Faith
    Wirklichkeit: Reality? wrong word...not quite good enough Scientific working? no..tricky word. Help me out.

    Germans are certainly welcome on my site! I will boldly say that the best beer I ever had in my life was from Germany. The best bread I ever had was from Germany AND it is widely and commonly known that the best women come from Germany. (My wife is German Descent)


Go ahead....Make my day!