Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

More on Solar Ovens

Well just as I thought "This is such a cool idea...I wonder if it really works?" I found this blog page http://arewelumberjacks.blogspot.com/2007_04_01_archive.html . Suddenly I felt kinda stupid.

He says "Wait. Sign of the times? Didn't we see solar ovens 30 years ago? And I know we built one 5 years ago for my daughter's science class. It was called Solar Cooking Day, I think, but it became known as the Great Salmonella Experiment of 2002. And it did save energy because nobody involved was able to travel for several days. I think the kids who elected to "cook" chocolate chip (already baked) cookies did ok. But most of us stood around taking bites of our cold hot dogs and saying (inaccurately), "I think it's warm." Face it Earthists, solar ovens are good for getting bacteria up to incubating temperature, not much else."

I am going to try anyway. Perhaps I just reduce my expectations a bit.

Hey, I saw some great little ideas. You can make a solar oven out of a pizza box! You simply cut a large opening in the flap, insulate the inside edges with a rolled up newspaper, paint the inside black, put a plexi cover over the flap hole and make reflectors with tin foil. I am told that this little oven can get 200 to 300 degees. I am told the larger, better built ovens can heat 300 to 400 degrees. I also saw ovens made out of shoes boxes.
If you go to Youtube and search solar ovens, there are a few good videos there. I'll let you know how it works out. Hey if anyone knows anything about this please let me know.

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