Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Purple With Yellow Polka Dots

I got to thinking about how much I have been enjoying other peoples cultures. We are so lucky here in Canada to experience so many colours and flavours of humanity. I look around me and see so many people groups, ideas, and ideologies. Oh and the food! Wow. I try to have a bowl of Vietnamese Rice Noodle Soup every day. I have Punjabi Veggie when I visit my freinds at the Sikh Gardwara. I love Jamaican Jerk and Reggae and my freind Bubba. I love the black people..they know how to groove and I love their zest for life. I love my hot headed Italian friend and Pasta and I love what my Portugeese friend has to say about all that. I love English accents and really inside...I love the Queen. God bless Scotland, kilts and most especially Scotch. I learned how to use chopsticks and learned how to eat with my hands and nan bread. We are so blessed to be able to live with each other and learn about each others ways and experience each others cultures. Imagine an entire world living in peace and harmony and celebration and wonderment for each other. Imagine, giving of oneself, for the sake of another, and in so doing creating a world of beauty and expression. Like art in motion. Imagine a world where we could enjoy other peoples beauty, without worrying about our own. So then I started thinking....My 2 kids are coming of age where they will be bringng home grooms and brides to be. So what if he's black? So what if shes Asian? So what if she is Jewish?, So what if he is Pakistani....Its love and respect that counts. I have to find myself accepting whoever it is that truly Loves my child. Its a bold thought. I got to thinking about the resulting colour of my grandchildren and jokingly thought.....They could be Purple with Yelow Polka Dots for all I care. I'll love them just the same.

1 comment:

  1. holy cow!!!! How could I forget the Germans..my goodness, schnitzel, bier, gumutlichgiet, my wife and her family. So here it is. My grandfather fought in the great war against her grandfather and a generation passes and we are falling in love with each other. I now claim my past enemy as a most integral part of who I am. Without my experience of this culture, I would have been left biggoted. We need each other to be whole as a world.


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