Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Sunday, October 25, 2009


At fellowship, we have been studying the Book of James. As I was reflecting on the word Genuine I began to ask myself if I myself was genuine?

In many ways, the Book of James talks about this concept of genuine. James would say, that in order for you to say you are genuine, then your actions need to reflect that statement. Theologically, the Book of James creates or demonstrates the tension between salvation by Grace vs Works. In many ways, the Book of James leads us to have to "put our money where our mouth is" OR " the proof is in the proof is in the proof" as Jean C would say. So if nothing else, this walk through James has caused me to be more reflective of self. So once again I ask myself.

Am I genuine?

So while I want to say Yes, immediately I think of times when I have been deceitful, when I have been misleading, when I have not told the whole truth. So theres that tension again. I say I am genuine yet I have proof of times when I wasnt genuine. It leads me of this little question....Am I a Liar because I told a lie OR did I tell a lie because I am a liar? PLease let it be door number one.

James suggests that you are genuine when your yes' are yes and your no's are no. I dont think he was suggesting that you couldnt change your mind, rather that we would be men and women of our word. So James calls us to be genuine as living testaments. We are what we say we are, we do what we say we do.....TRUTH. Truth is genuine. Truth is as genuine as it gets.

Am I genuine?
Are you genuine?

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