Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Remembering Dad

I am often reminded of my father. I have a bunch of little stories and memories that I carry around with me. They bring me joy. Its hard to beleive he's been gone so long.

I used to go and visit dad in the hospital downtown Toronto. I would volunteer for the downtown service route, and that would put me right downtown with a little time to sneak in to see Pa. I would arrive and he would feed me his hospital dinner. I would eat it quietly as per his insistance. The nurse would return and comment on his wonderful appetite and dad and I would smile. He hated nurses ragging at him about not eating. One time when none of the nurses were looking, we snuck out the side door and went to Red Lobster for SeaFood. He said..No thats a meal! He loved Lobster.

One time the Doctor stood him up and left him downtown Toronto Hospital waiting for his turn and for the Doctor to squeeze him in. He put on his street clothes, exited out the side door that I am familiar with, and he stuck out his thumb and hitchhiked home. Home was in Bobcaygeon..several hours away. There were a few unimpressed people, but my father didnt like to wait or be stood up. I think he had to make the return trip in the emergency helicopter.

My dad was 30 minutes early for everything yet he drove like a grampa. He seemed to drive slower and slower and slower to the point where I wanted to scream!

My Dad died a short time after my Grannie...His mom. We had a dual funeral and dual burial. My father always insisted on the family travelling together, so when the funeral director said they would travel in 2 Hursts, we said NO WAY! We explained dads rule about the family travelling together and the funeral guy said..Sorry. So my brother and I said "Fine...We'll drive them...together" John and I rented a U-Haul and backed it up to the funeral home. We loaded my dad and granny aboard and made the several hour trip to Cobden where they lay as a family...Dad and his brother, and my grannie and grampa. My uncle borrowed all the tools and gear for burials, and we did it ourselves.........in the pouring rain.

The pouring rain can be cleansing and liberating and certainly go a long way to hide tears.


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