Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Single Mom - Jim Oskineegish

"Single Mom" - copyright © Jim Oskineegish
This is a painting from Jim Oskineegish. It is called Single Mom. I found a very nice collection of Jim Oskineegish works over at the Greenery Florist website. On the site, each painting has a story or meaning. You might want to go to the link and see for yourself. This is purposeful art.
This particular piece really spoke to me. It really reminds me of Norval. I can see Roy Thomas in some of his other work. I can also see a style of his own. All in all, I love this art. It feels good. It looks good. It makes my heart warm and moves me to contemplation.
This is a treasure, and another fine example of Shamanistic Art. I can feel empathy, love, support but also wisdom and strength. I find joy in the innocence, yet respect for mom. Moms are amazing.
It is nice to see artists tribute people. I imagine how Jim would have first been inspired by a thought. Its nice to see that the thought he acted on was one of such honor. The fruit doesnt fall far from the tree. From this thought probably came contemplation and inspiration. I can visualize Jim as he poured out his love on canvas. I was taught to show my love on my art. I can imagine Jim painting saying...I love you mom. You are a good mom, You are a strong mom. I love you child. I love your colours. I love your souls. Great Spirit, pour your blessings on our mothers. I kinda let my imagination go but I sense I am not far from the truth.
Good Medicine


  1. Hello Don!
    Thank you for your words and thoughts on this works..you are spot on!!Thoughts to be put on canvas with meanings of colors and feelings are what I try to achieve in my work.Moms are truly amazing and I wanted to honour all the single moms out there.I have new works at the Greenery Gallery and should be posted soon.. each body of works seem to be getting better and better this comes with practise
    and believing in ones self and connection to higher spirit forces.I sign my work as JIMI with a symbol..I am a hardcore hendrix fan and his music has helped me in many ways and also if you flip the name it says imij or image phonetically also two sides of the coin.When I paint I listen from the electric shaman and let my soul feel the colors from his soul and his instument of choice the guitar..I love listening to filmore east when I paint..thought I would share this with you..Thank you
    jimi Oskineegish

  2. JImi...we are kindred spirits. I got goose bumps as I thought of Jimi's performance on the Woodstock album. blessings to you and thanks for the words of wisdom and encouragement.

  3. I love you guys so much. What great energy being shared, my heart sings, for the both of you's so much. CHI-MEEGWETCH Don, and uncle Jimi. Oh yes, and Jimi Hendrix is a shaman......haha, I thought you guys would like that.......all my relations......MAJ......2009!


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