Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Butterflies and Medicine

"Butterflies and Medicine" - copyright © don wright 2009

My glasses are making me ill. I cant see the painting without them and I get dizzy with them....doh. I decided to play with a red background and try my hand at butterflies again. Red is hard to photograph, but it sure feels good to the heart to look at in 3D real with my broken eyes.


  1. There it is folks...

    What we see from Don in "their" recent "experiments" is turning heads. This comes soon after peering through the looking glass of the AGO, Jack Pollock's Morrisseau bible and a Morrisseau film from 1981. The man is inspired! His attitude is Aquarian. His attention is on beauty and truth. He is channeling.

    The artwork of the fledgling Wright team are simple slices of life. Love animating form. The works are rife with meaning and rich with colour. The works lift vibrationally. What more can you ask? Where there is love there is no fear.

    I'm not surprised. This is the Great Spirit on the move. It is trust realized. It is fearlessness aligned with vulnerability. It is natural connectivity. It is knowing who you are, who you work with, and why.

    Don Wright is a classic Thunderbird School artist... Spirit taught, spring fed and a natural leader.

    What a privilege to witness this.

    >>>>>>> Stardreamer

  2. Hey wow....just like a write up in one of those fancy magazines or like on the back of an album, I mean CD...uh I mean MP3 with embedded attachment.



Go ahead....Make my day!