Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Freinds of Temagami - Alex Mathias

Here is a great picture of Alex Mathias, Temagami Elder, at the Changing of the Seasons Ceremony, held at Lake Obabika this year. UNfortunately, I couldnt make it this year, but did still enjoy the Old Growth the weekend previous. Alex lives there at the foot of the Old Growth, being a spiritual protector and caretaker of his family inheritance. The location now is a protected Park, yet new logging plans will bring destruction within 800 meters of the sacred Spirit Rock.

In this picture, Alex Mathias would be sharing his love and wisdom. There would be probably 30 or 40 people seated on the rocks in a circle in front of him. He would have probably asked for the feather to be passed, giving each person the undivided and uninterupted right to talk. Person after person would likely talk about how much this forest means to them.

Freinds of Temagami is an organization that works beside our native people to help protect and safeguard this amazing treasure for generations to come. I think this year I must register my membership and put my money where my mouth is. I think its important for me to stay in touch with this oprganization, just in case I am called upon to "sit in" at a protest. I have a vision of being chained to a tree and then being taken to jail for public mischeif. In my dream, I am one of many. It will take many for the machine to see. Sometimes dreams are just dreams yet sometimes they are glimpses of our future......bring it on.

peace, love and blessings

1 comment:

  1. Let's hope it never comes to blockades again. There were over 60 people there with Alex, and I was honoured to be among them. Also in the photo is Mary Senchuk (Alex's wife) and Leo Paul. Leo and Alex are the LAST TWO Teme-augama Anishnabeg who live on the land, off-reserve. They are also among the last 5 speakers of the local Nishnabekwe dialect.

    PS Can't wait until you join FOT. You can teach us all about ATVs and we'll talk your ear off about access controls and Special Management Areas!


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