Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hi Hanni - Heres a Tribute to my Gramma

 "Turtle Joy" - copyright © don wright 2009

Hi Hanni

Thanks for dropping by my blog and reminding me of your precious freindship. Thanks for the condolences and the suggestion to paint something for Gramma.

Hanni, I had an estranged relationship with my grandmother. I was outcast many years ago. Through no fault of my own, I was disowned. Well disowned would be an improper word, because I know that my Gramma loved me. She just had some social troubles. I continue to love my gramma, even though it was years since I last spoke to her. I have painful memories, Yet I have good memories. I remember once calling her up and asking how she was. She told me she was lonely. I said Gramma, it doesnt have to be like this. She said...Yes it does. She chose the seperation and I just had to accept that.

This small painting, 5" x 8" is straight and to the point. My gramma is the turtle. On the turtle are the only offspring who knew her. The circles represent her two daughters, and her son, and her five grandchildren. The Center Yellow Circle is my Grampa. Thats it. While there were many circles that could have been added for her great grandchildren, she chose to swim alone. Despite this, she is still my Gramma and I love her. Her ashes will be put with my Grampa.
In the spring time, we will meet as a family and have a small memorial. We were all outcast Yet we all carry this love for our Nokomis. We will celebrate the good and the future and forgive and forget the past. May she truly rest in the peace that evaded her.


  1. And there we have it: The power of forgiveness. Thanks for the teaching.


  2. A beautiful power point mandalla.
    I sense certain peace, flow and balance.

    Do you see the old rotary style telephone dial pad? This configuration generates power.

    Nice wash!

    No barriers between you and her anymore...

    Turtle = Home, Womb, World, One.

    >>>>>>> Stardreamer

  3. Gramma was from ThunderBay. Many great people have come from TBay!


Go ahead....Make my day!