Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Sunday, November 28, 2010

My New Ice Hut - 5 Star Accommodations!!!

This is my new (old) ice hut. It is smaller and easy to drag around yet large enough for two, or one if I end up sleeping in it! I have had my eye on a few possible spots on the river. Who knows..Maybe I'll try them all!

The section that sticks out is where the propane stove is. Today it was about -10C and I was in my driving clothes. We hopped in, fired up the stove and within a minute it was toasty warm.

This is the inside. It comes fully equpped as you see. The floor board lifts up for a nice open ice hole. I prefer the chain saw square vs the little hole. The last owner did a lot of work. He insulated, and wired for battery power. Its a very clean hut and I am looking forward to dragging it out on to the ice.


  1. Your Ice Hut looks...tight ^_^

    Hey, listen to this

  2. pppssssttt...now you know about snow!


Go ahead....Make my day!