Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Saturday, November 13, 2010


My Wifes Grandfather, Father and Aunt and family in Germany

I am so blessed to have married into this family. I am blessed to add this family to my family tree. Our grandfathers fought against each other in WW2 and we united in love not long after that. Now thats a resolution!!!! I have come to love Germany. I love the poeple, I love the countryside, I love the order, I love their pride, I love their strength and I love their beer! I love shnitzel und spatsle.

The top left photo is Sues dad. He is a father to me. I respect him immensely. I have learned so much from him. I am a better person because of him. In the photo is also Sues Opa. I knew him well and I respected him. He taught me that on the other side of the great conflict, there were real people, just like us. People who loved and cared for each other. I saw the other side of the conflict and its saddened my heart to know that we had hated each other so much. We spilled each others blood on the battle field and each went home to cry and mourn for loss. One of the photos I looked at was pulled from the rubble after a tank ran over the family home. I was filled with so much sorrow. Real, Beautiful people caught on two sides of a conflict.

This pattern is repeated over and over. We talk about remembering...and we just keep doing it. We love each other, we kill each other and we love each other again.......when does it end?

We must seek the way of peace and love. We must forgive, forget and embrace.


1 comment:

  1. As German I am thankful for these words, Don. Peace and love, Bettina.


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