Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Friday, December 03, 2010

My Studio

I was motivated last night to finally begin making my studio. I really wasnt sure yet where and last night was epiphany night. We did a bunch of furniture/bed trasfers between rooms and I got my table and view for my painting. This table is lovingly referred to as Oma's table and it sits right in front of a magnificent view of the river. I need to get a covering for the table before I can begin again to paint.

I also set up my music studio in the same room. I dug out my mixers and amps, my mics and cables. I have it set up for live music now, and will soon connect it all to my PC. I am going to abandon my old recording program and move to a platform common to a number of my friends. I also want to learn how to video edit while using my recorded mix. If anyone knows of some decent video editing SW, let me know.

I am so blessed. I just thought I would share that. When I look around this world, its so easy to get in the trap of comparison. We like to compare ourselves with others. While a certain amount of that is healthy, I think we tend to overdo it. Its hard not to look longingly at things that other people have, but that is a trap..an impediment in our own ability to be pleased with what we have. I think that as we express gratitude for what we do have, then we are better able to enjoy those blessings. As we express gratitude, then the blessings amplify and become more apparant. As we recognize blessings for others, and feel happiness for them, then we are able to nurture those blessings in others. Again...amplified blessings. The result of being happy and supportive of another persons joy and pleasure, help to make that joy and pleasure our own. I am truly blessed. As I sit and try to count the ways, it becomes just a silly task so I am inclined just to bask in it....and share it.

Blessings to you and yours. May you be filled with thanksgiving and joy.

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