Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Shift in Timeline Understanding

Its incredible to see how many bible prophesies were fullfilled. It incredible to see how many Jesus fulfilled. Its like it was all directed by someone or something who knew no time lines, who could see beginning and end; Someone or something that was able to stitch and weave time and action to create this magnificent web of existence. Time, past and future seem to be already known. I myself attribute all this to a master creator. I would consider this creator to be the one who has all knowledge and power. This creator appears to have many names. I call this creator God and I have recognized Gods Spirit in me and through all of creation.

As I re-read the scriptures, I am also astounded at how many prophesies are not fulfilled. Because I beleive the bible contains the innerant word of God, I must therfor hold faith, that these prophesies WILL be fulfilled, just as scripture says.

So....heres the question. What prophesies have been fulfilled and what prophesies are yet to be fulfilled.

As you re-read the scriptures, do so, asking yourself this very question. Has this been fulfilled or is this yet to be fulfilled. I think you will find many prophesies have been labelled as fulfilled, wherby common sense says no. You will be challenged because you will find yourself oppossed to popular christian beleif.

Stop and reflect. What does this mean to you and me. How does this alter our doctrine and our world view.

For me....I found magnificent grace. I found Spirit and promise that God gave me. I found a greater and deeper love....a bigger grace. I experienced a radical transformation of thought, which I consider to be a progressive revellation. As for my love of Jesus, it remains, for it is He that is in me, and I in Him.

Time passes and our understandings change guided by progressive revellation and our abilities to percieve and understand. I do not beleive it is healthy or right to stop learning. I do not consider this seeking as my christian brother told me on sunday. I consider this growing. Of course we are all differant, with differant gifts and needs. We are all somewhere on that scale of understanding. I boldly say...thats OK. There is no condemnation in this.

I will love the Lord my God with all my heart AND I will allow myself to be guided by Gods magnificent Spirit. I will boldly go where I beleive Spirit is leading. I am not afraid of labels and I have freedom from the bondage of conformity.

peace and blessings to you on your journey home.


  1. I've been going to the Orthodox church recently. The Russians have one nearby and it's full of history and forefathers. I wonder if there are Orthodox in your area? Do you like the holy icons? I think that you would as you're creative and can appreciate the depth of wisdom that goes into each one. They are a pictoral way of communicating the gospel and some of them are amazing.


  2. They are beautiful art! Check out some of the early greek illuminated bibles too! They brought the pages to life with colour. When I did an image search on religious icons, I saw all kinds of beautiful and ancient art. They reminded me of Norvals work and Norvals work reminds me of the icons. Thanks!


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