Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Friday, June 24, 2011

A Place That Shall Remain Nameless.......

I grew up on a small trout stream. I cut my teeth fishing Speckies on the upper Credit River. I remember as a lad, catching some real good specks. As the years progressed, the fish got smaller..and smaller.

Sue and I went for a drive last summer and came across this little river that reminded me of my childhood stream. Locals quietly and sheepeshly admitted that there were some nice speckled trout in that creek.

I was told to go to the bridge and work the river from there.

First time through last week, the water was much lower. I caught 4 really nice trout. The biggest was about 13 inches.

We have had a few days of rain, and I remember as a lad, how rain can have quite an impact on the creek. Sometimes, that is when the big fish could be caught.....but today...not. I did catch a half dozen small ones, which I carefully returned.

I love the firns on the side of the creek. It is so lush.

This is close to the spot where I went ass over tea kettle, got soaked and lost my boot...haha..what a duffus!

And this is how cameras react after they have been dunked in the river. I had to walk barefoot through the bush. I had brought my ATV to take to the next stretch of river, which would have been impassable with my van. Instead of that, I jumped in the van and headed home....another succesful fish trip.

I have a strange way of measuring success!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes the story is better than the fish!




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