Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Shore Lunches

We ate shore lunches every day. Every morning, we would pack a cooler with supplies. Ussually, plates, utensils, can of beans, can of corn, an onion and some potatoes and oh yes....seasoned flour for the fish crisp.

The lake had several shore lunch spots. We pulled into this one just after another group of people. We asked them to keep their fire burning for us. After a morning of fishing, it was time to eat.

Deb cleaned the Walleye's while we did odd jobs in preparation.

Nice fillets ready to cook!

a nice big fry pan on an open fire. Deb is cooking the potatoes here.

what an awesome shore lunch! We ate lunches like this at several differant sites. Each site was more beautiful than the next. For the next few days, we tagged along with a group of 5 american guests and one of the guides. On the last day, we went on our own again. Fresh fish cooked on an open fire is quite an experience.

I decided when I get home, to gather up everything I need for shore lunches. We have a few good spots on our river that are boat access only. I ordered a big ass fry pan and it has arrived at the sport shop in Verner. We bought a new cooler, so the old one will become the shore lunch cooler. We are planning thanksgiving on the point. We are inviting many guests. If you would like to join us for thanksgiving shore lunch, please let me know. We will be serving whitefish, trout and walleye!

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