Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Thoughts on keepupwithdon

There are a number of topics I talk about and report on here at keepupwithdon.blogspot.com. I have a number of people from all walks of life who follow me on this blogspot.

I have been considering dividing my blog between two sites. I have been considering a new blogspot for my art. I would continue to discuss art as it relates to my life, however, I have been considering a place to locate my own art and thoughts as it relates to my art.

I did say that art is like life and life is like art and so for that purpose, the two should remain together. This is why I will continue to discuss art matters on keepupwithdon. However, I also needed a place to direct potential clients to view my art. I have been struggling with how best to do that. I have been watching a number of other artists as they have been making these decisions in differant ways.

Life is a work in progress and so I am going to take a "kick at the can" by authoring a new waabaanakwad art gallery located at waabaanakwad.blogspot.com


  1. The gift of cut & paste is that the really important art revelations you post on your art site can be duplicated here as it relates to telling your personal story.

    I really enjoy your site, particularly since you moved up north. Your gardening experiences and the bounty of this great land were a pleasure to read. I'm looking forward to this years ice fishing season almost as much as you and I've never been ice fishing!

    May God continue to give you and yours peace and blessings...


  2. Thanks Alex!! Yes cut and paste is truly a gift...and so is stepping back in time. I am amazed at things that have changed and things that have not changed. I am really grateful that I began my journal several years ago and I have been blessed with some really great readers and commenters. Thank you Alex for the kind wishes and right back at ya!

  3. Cut and paste is a gift unless it's people nicking your art for prints. How are you going to stop that???? Its a worry. Can't you do the thumbnail thing so that ppl can't click on them and make them bigger or put a watermark over them or something?

    I'm glad your separating the blogs because your personal art is lovely i like looking at it but when you post tons on other people and the culture in general it makes me fall asleep.

    haha.... im being rude. Slap me but i can't stick all the nature stuff. I think it's a phase your going through and you'll wake up soon and be back to normal.

    If the art moves does that mean we still have to have veggie pics??? The budgie can stay, love the budgie.

    abnoxous brenda

  4. hahha..you are refreshing as always...please dont hold back..tell me how you really feel!

    I wouldnt be offended if you didnt read the stuff that bored you. I have a number of people who roll their eyes when I talk about The Holy Bible too...and jeesh..I have a ton of vegetable pics and pics of pies and salads that I have been wanting to post!

    Hey...Niijii just said " I love you"!!!!! Deb was teaching that to him before she left for California.

    hahaha you havnt seen the end of the nature thing by a long stretch! Don't you know I am trying to return to the spot where we as a people messed up. I am trying to live like the starling in complete and total confidence with my place on earth and with God. I am putting my hands on the earth instead of letting others do it for me and instead of just reading about it. This is no new place. This is a place we as poeple have forgotten about. Through our progressions, we are actually regressing in our ability to sense and feel and be one with the very creation to which we are woven. We are transforming everything into a lesser value commodity and we are paying the price in so many ways.

    Sue and I discussed that white store bread is unacceptable to us now. We will bake our own bread. Processed foods are unacceptable to us now, we will grow our own and make it ourselves. This is how we will experience the great gift of God and have gratitude in our hearts.

    Picture the person who goes to work for money, takes that money and buys food. When he/she buy that food, they have a feeling of entitlement. If we grow it ourselves relying on God and earth, then we feel grateful and blessed. This is what I want to share......and its hard and it physically hurts.

    Collecting ones own heat source is labor intensive. Growing all of ones vegetables is also labor intensive. This is a good thing for a 50 year old fat guy. If I stayed in my past life, I truly feel I was going to die.....hhmmm maybe I should write a post about this...hahahaha

    blessings to you brenda and hang in there with me....roll your eyes...gimme crap...keep reminding me about "things"...its all good. You are refreshing because you speak your mind.



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