Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Thursday, November 03, 2005


How could a day start off so great and end up in the crapper?
I got so much stuff to do I dont know whether to crap or go blind.
I think I'm gonna have to play hooky on a meeting tonight
and sit in my hot tub. Dont tell anyone.
I just dont feel social any more.
Have Ya ever felt that way.
I feel like gettin drunk, getting in a fight and waking up in the tank.
Well maybe I'll have some koolaid, kiss my wife and go to bed instead.
See ya tommorrow.
I just know it'll be a brand new day

1 comment:

  1. One year I was sick the hole Christmass holidays dreading a job I did not want to do...When I finaly buckled down and did it, it took me about 3 hours...
    I still get overwelmed at times, but I have more faith in God not letting me take on more than I am capable of than faith in my ability to acomplish a task on my own.


Go ahead....Make my day!