Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Environmental Cancer

I was telling my rainbow sister Dawn that I thought that my fathers cancer was a product of our environment. He did not smoke. He did not drink. He lived a clean lifestyle with no historical incidence of cancer. Here is what Dawn replied.....

So sorry to read about your father. I understand the grief and the frustration. We have become products of society, in such a manner, that we believe in consumerism, and we have faith in what is put on the shelves for consumption. We believe that modern medicine is all what they say it is, and we breath humanities farts.


........here is a point to ponder, looking through Dawns eyes


We are the only species that does not go back to the earth. We, like every organism on the planet, are food and nutrient's. We come from her embrace, but we deny her ours. We die, get embalmed, and we are put in an a box that does not rot. Because we are drained of fluids we don't decompose in them boxes naturally. Then we are buried in a plot of many others, and sprinkled with chemicals, such as herbicides and pesticides and fertilizers so it looks good where our bodies lay, how ironic is that.



Irony abounds! There are so many examples of this irony in our society. Quite a Tower of Babel we have here.

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