Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Monday, November 23, 2009

Seed of Creation

"Seed of Creation" - copyright © don wright 2009

I'll talk about the good before the bad. So here is the good...I am very pleased that a vision I had translated to this painting, yet I am unhappy with my color selection.

I grew up with the bible story of Noahs Ark. As I grew, I began to understand the ark more in terms of Gods grace and forgiveness. There are many life lessons that have come from the ark teaching. When I began to see knowledge of the Ojibway, I learned about the turtle. The turtle to the Anishinaabe is the Ark to the Christian. One of the accounts I read said that the son of the creator rode on the turtle in the great flood. He gave of himself in order for the son of creator to reestablish on Turtle Island. I understood immediately.

So in this painting I pictured the seed of creation, son of creator being divinely carried by the turtle. The Turtle became mother, protector and redeemer as Gods magnificent plan unfolded. It is a story of beauty and redemption.

BUT darn it......my colour selection sucks! I tell ya, with every painting I get better and better YET fall so far short it pisses me off....teehee....patience don You cant be a Ritchie or a Mark or a Jimi in a month!


  1. Don your color selection is fine..if one looks at the painting the eye zooms right into the white divine light!!can you see?I see the light my freind!!


Go ahead....Make my day!