Nin Minigos is an expert at sleeping. We have found him in a number of different places. He sleeps in garbage cans, boxes, pillows, night stands...you name it....and he sleeps a LOT. When he is not sleeping, he is playing full bore....flat out. He and Geddy begin the day around 5am charging up and down the hall, sliding on the floor and banging doors. Pete says it sounds like a stampede every morning. We bought new cat food which has little treats in it...wrong!!! They knock the food dish all over the bathroom floor and then hoover up all the treats. Bad kitty....but smart. Nin Minigos takes great joy in running faster than his speed, causing him to do burnouts and slides around corners. When the 2 of them get going there is no telling what will happen.
In the meantime, all my tests proved negative or should I say positive...I dont know. According to all tests I am healthy. My vision is blurred yet I scored 20/20 on the test. My ears are plugged and ringing and they are as clean as a whistle. My blood tests show that I am healthy with no bad markers. All response tests are fine. So then the doc says...it must be stress or reaction to the Codeine. The doc gave me some pills and a drink that is supposed to clear my system a bit better and quicker. Today I can concentrate better. That is welcome!
My condition was first diagnosed when I was around 14. At that time they thought it was scoliosis. Then with more tests, I was found to have spondylo lethesis. Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which a bone (vertebra) in the lower part of the spine slips out of the proper position onto the bone below it. I have two locations, which are now found to be arthritic. I lose the feelings in my hands often and that makes it hard to play guitar! I have never been able to find a med that agrees with me because I have a number of allergies. Muscle relaxants, anti inflammatorys, pain killers, mood enhancers...nothing has worked. I have learned instead to just deal with pain. I am not looking for sympathy! I ask for prayer and understanding instead.
I have been to a number of healing ceremonies, which have never helped anything physical, and I still go when opportunities arise. Last time the Pastor said..."what if you are not healed. How do you suppose you will feel about God." I decided at that moment that regardless of circumstance, Lord God was with me and in me. I just simply surrendered it all. I said Lord, you can have all that I am. This has not stopped my constant pain. It has however soothed my soul and given me joy beyond circumstance.
We read that Paul had a Thorn, but I am not sure what. I do know he lived with pain. I also know that in the face of death, Paul had joy beyond circumstance. I also read in prophesy that this pain that we all experience in one way or another, will be healed and every tear will be wiped from our eyes. I decided that although that may be true in the future, I could claim that today.
Lord God
there is so much suffering in this world.
As I look around me I see suffering much beyond my own.
I see broken lives and loss of hope.
I see trials and tribulations and a loss of faith.
I see pain grinding down our beings into shells of broken people.
I see addictions everywhere, all an attempt to hide or remove the pain.
Lord my pain is just physical and again I offer it all to you.
I pray Lord that you would spiritually heal all those suffering.
I pray for people of abuse and circumstance beyond their control.
I pray for all lost, hurt and lonely people.
I know Lord, that each and every person is a gift...
a sacred being and Lord I pray in solidarity.
I thank you Lord for how I am magnificently blessed
and how I can dwell in your presence
here, now and forever.
I am pleased to be your broken vessel.
I dont like the pain, but I sure love You.
I look forward to your symbolic birth celebration,
not for what I get
but for who You are
and why You came.
I celebrate another year of your presence
Lord God....and
if you could turn my pain into something wonderful
I would appreciate it...oh wait
..You already did!